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Tag Archives: health

Healthy tips with a Balanced Diet.

A balanced diet is a balanced diet that consists of the right proportion of food types and quantities to provide adequate nutrition from food and beverage consumption, resulting in a balanced health and weight. Eating healthy food is not difficult at all. Just start by

low glycemic index foods, Low GI foods suitable

low glycemic index foods, Low GI foods suitable for diabetic patients and health lovers. Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar is higher than normal levels. In patients with type 2 diabetes, the body will be resistant to insulin. (Insulin is a

5 benefits from mulberry leaf tea

Many people may be familiar with mulberry or mulberry already. This is a berry family that can be eaten fresh or can be adapted into a dessert menu such as jam. But believe that many people here may not know before that the leaves of this fruit can be